Mobile Patrol

Car shot

Westridge Security is pleased to provide our customers with a mobile patrol alarm response vehicle that is operational after business hours.

Our patrol vehicles are equipped with a first aid kit, two way radio, cell phone and jumper cables.

Our main goal with our mobile division is to provide the same quality and effective security service to our clients after hours.

Our highly visible drive-through security service is ideal for the patrol of commercial properties after business hours or on properties not open to the public.

The purpose of this patrol is to observe and inspect your premises, another purpose of our security patrol is to make sure no unauthorized persons are on site, and to physically check all doors, windows, gates, locks to make sure they are functioning properly and have not been tampered with.

The primary goal of our security patrol is deter property loss and vandalism after business hours.

This service is supported by signage that warns would be trespassers that your property is patrolled by Westridge Security after hours.

After each shift our security patrol team will complete a tour report that details every patrol and logs all incidents that may have occurred while on duty, the report is then sent to you by fax or emailed and is then able to be viewed the very next day.

For more information about our Mobile Patrol services, feel free to contact us today with any questions you may have.